This resource hub has web links and documents that outline best practices, regulatory advice, and guidance related to designing and implementing accessible solutions from libraries, stations, tourist destinations or stadiums. Whether you're a planner, designer, or advocate, you'll find valuable information to help create more inclusive and equitable solutions that meet
the needs of all users.
Included are resources from World Health Organisation (WHO), UK Government, third sector organisations like National Autistic Society, Disability Rights UK and Age Friendly Manchester.
Resource Hub: Access
Within this section we've categorised all of our information links into sections which you can filter below:
How To Guides
Disability Rights Handbook - 2024-2025
Disability Rights UK
Official Standards
Building Regulations and Approved Documents index - Ministry of Housing
How To Guides
National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities
World Health Organisation (WHO)
This resource hub is a community effort. It's important that anybody can contribute to this resource hub. If you spot any mistakes, want to discuss any points, or you can make any of the content easier to understand, please email us.
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